Thursday, April 26, 2012

Project Statement 4.26

Project Statement 

1. Background; 
I love Jason Segel, he is in one of my favorite movies, “I Love You, Man” a type based photo of Segel could be seen within a interview or a feature done on this actor. Segel normally does comedy roles so a type based illustration full of quotes and movie titles from Segel would be both playful and informative. People who enjoy his work could see other movies he has been in, and be others may familiar with his quotes from movies of his they have seen. 

2. Target Audience; 
I chose an article page from a site called I’m sure this type illustration will go well within the interview page and go along with the demographic on the website. The target audience of this application will probably be men, single, between 18-25. 

3. Objectives;
My objective for this illustration is gear towards people who already enjoy Segel’s movies and people who can appreciate Segel’s crude humor. I want for the audience read through the interview and get a good perception of who Segel is and what chatacters he plays. After seeing the illustration and seeing the article the audience instantly feels connected to the character and want to re-watch on of Segel’s movies and support him further on in his career. 

4. Obstacles;
Some of the obstacles may include getting enough detail on to Segel’s type based Illustration to be able to capture the actor and his personality. Type needs to be big enough for viewers to read the text but also have a strong understanding of the visual. 

5. Key benefits; 
One of the major benefits the audience will feel from the experience of this illustration is that they can have a sense of being connected to the words and that links them to Segel. The quotes and titles  of the movies will either bring back memories from their experience watching them or they will get an urge to go watch a title that they have not yet seen. 

6. Support Statements/Reasons why; 
If the text is too small it may, conflict with the key benefits of the text illustration. But the overall look of the illustration may allow a closer look from the audience. 

7. Tone 
The tone should definitely reflect Segel, and his humor and how he interacts with his surrounding. I Really want the audience to feel like they are being captivated by the actor and how he carries himself from movie to movie. 

8. Media 
The type illustration will be on a interview application. Preview along with Segel’s words and humor within the application. 

9. Creative considerations
I really want the deep contrast shown by text to show through the art from light to dark values against the mid grey and to make the words show form of the portrait rather than just a picture. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Possibilities for Type Project

Jason Segel is a possibility for type Project, a portrait done with type of Jason could be used in a interview with him about his acting career, The context of the type will be movies and T.V shows he has been in. Image of Jason

Adele is another possibility; Doing a portrait based of text of her lyrics could be used in a publication as a bio on a web site, or could be used as a dynamic poster.
Image resource Adele

Ashton Kutcher is a third choice, could be used as a poster for a movie or a pro-mo for a t.v. show
image resource Ashton

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Type Based Illustration Ideas

I really like the style of this portrait it looks both realistic and playful, and the different values are done well. 

This example is also very realistic and the face's shape is defined by contrast. 

Example 3

This a different approach to create the features on the face by changing value rather then the shape of the text to show dimension.

Example 4

This one has the same idea as the one above but the high contrast brings the face out and creates a stronger visual. Also the letting is tighter and the base lines run vertical.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Roughs (in progress) 4/7

I decided to use my second editorial option for this project.
New Angry Birds TV series coming -

In the Angry Birds series of shorts are set to air this coming fall. The series is expanding from the game and is turning Angry Birds to a full blown brand. The same characters in the shorts will be the same from the mobile app and create this whole new scene where they show off their traits and clucking personalities.
Rovio the creators of Angry Birds and the head of animation, Nick Dorra have sent out the spoiler for the production of 52 episodes that are 3min or greater shorts; flinging red bird from your iphone straight to the television set. Nick Dorra wants to expand Angry birds even further, and explains they are already developing a full length Angry Birds movie.

Here are some roughs I have created so far;

Inspiration From Illustrators 4/7

Mike Mitchell is an illustrator from LA, I enjoyed looking through his online portfolio. He is very expressive with all of his pieces, and lets face it... 
This is the coolest 'thing' I've ever seen. 

Samuel Sinaga is from Indonesia, he has a very abstract style along with a sense of flow in his art; thus given the nick name Flow is King. Samuel is described as laid back and "chill." All of his pieces are dynamic and fun and has a smooth graffiti look and portrays the artist very well. 
Samuel works as an art director in Jakarta, for an advertisement agency.  

Chris Seddon is an illustrator who is a professor in Sacramento. He mainly focuses on illustrations of faces and portraits of politicians and celebrities. Some of his work is really detailed and his really strong pieces have a sense of  the person demonstrated only with main features. 


Ben O'Brien is a talented illustrator he has a thick grasp of design and the creative process along with tons of experience under his belt. In Ben's pieces he enjoys challenges like bringing technology and natural aspects and creating new wholes in his work. Ben does free lancing as "Ben the Illustrator" but also works in a team in Studio B3N.    

Paul Antonson lives in northern California, he did design work for the wall street Journal. His illustrations are very rich with detail. He has done some children book covers and some editorial work.